
Upper/Lower Full Arch - Ashland, MA


"Dentures Affected My Lifestyle Drastically, Dental Implants Gave Me Function Back."

Well, this started many years ago, I would say approximately 30 years ago. When I got my first dentures put in, they lasted quite a while but I noticed that they started to deteriorate after a couple of years, and I had to have a new one made. I constantly had to have new new dentures put in. The breaking point was not so long ago, I was sitting in a restaurant and there was nothing on that menu that I could actually eat because there’ll be so much pain in my jaw and on my gums. I had a lot of soup. I’d only eat that, and a roll that went with it. This is a beautiful, high-end restaurant, I felt intimidated. I couldn’t bite down on the roll, and that’s what started it.

The breaking point was not so long ago, I was sitting in a restaurant and there was nothing on that menu that I could actually eat because there'll be so much pain in my jaw and on my gums.

Dr. Sal:

Before we had treated Steven for the procedure, we had actually seen him a year ago. When he came to us, I could just see it in his eyes that he was talking himself out of it. He was not ready at that time.


I didn’t know if I was going to be a candidate for it. I knew something had to be done, but I didn’t know if it could be done at the time.

Dr. Sal:

Some months later, one of our team members reached out to him and said, “Hey. Steven. How’s everything?” They spoke for a while, and he decided to come to see us again.


When I walked in the front door, everybody had a wonderful smile. I immediately felt like the team here was very friendly. They made you feel at home right away. They put you at ease and talked to you all about the situation that you were in, and sat down. We just had a normal conversation, and they talked about how they could help me.

Dr. Sal:

He looked like he was closer to making that decision. It was interesting to me because he opened up about his experiences with us with what he was going through with the denture and how he has to plan when he’s going to take a bite from a piece of food, or his day.


Right away, when I first met Dr. Alptekin, I had a good feeling. He’s a very kind man and he genuinely wants to help his patients.

Dr. Sal:

It turned out to be the best decision he’s ever made. He’s so happy. I just love seeing him every time he comes in for a check. It’s just amazing how it helped his life. I’m just so thankful that I got to meet him.


The biggest difference I’ve seen is that I smile more often, I eat 155,000% better. I don’t go overboard, but there is no food that… I can eat anything that I want, and that’s a huge factor. I don’t have to worry about looking at a menu and picking things out. I can pick out whatever favorite food I want to eat. That, to me… there’s no amount of anything that can speak to that. You will have no problem visiting New arch Dental at all. I highly recommend them.

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